Monday, March 7, 2022 - Friday, March 11, 2022

MONDAY, MARCH 7 - FRIDAY, MARCH 11 FROM 10AM - 3PM EASTERN. WHA International, Inc, is inviting industry to attend a virtual hydrogen safety training event with multiple days of cumulative content to match your expertise. We will cover the full content of WHA’s Level 2: H2 Practice,  Level 3: H2 Design, and Level 4: H2 Analyze training courses.

Content is optimized for presentation as a series of interactive live webinars, including the same instruction, demonstration videos, course materials, and live Q&A you would experience at an in-person event. Your expert instructors for this course include Elliot Forsyth; Harold Beeson, Ph.D.; and Dani Murphy, Ph.D.

Daily 5-hour sessions will be scheduled from 10 a.m. -3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5). This time slot offers convenient scheduling throughout the Americas, but participants from other continents are encouraged to attend as well. Each session will be recorded, so if you can’t make them all, you’ll still have access to the complete series for a limited time. Our hydrogen safety training content is cumulative, so participants will attend each day through the completion their desired course level.

  • Level 2: H2 Practice (Monday, March 7)
    • Unique properties of hydrogen
    • Intro to materials compatibility and ignition
    • Extensive good practices for system operation and maintenance
    • View Course Description
  • Level 3: H2 Design (Monday- Wednesday)
    • Hydrogen system and facility design
    • Introduction to WHA’s Hydrogen Combustion Risk Analysis (HCRA) tool
    • Codes and standards-based best practices
    • View Course Description
  • Level 4: H2 Analyze (Monday - Friday)
    • Expert-level system design and analysis
    • Implementation of the HCRA method using practical real-world case studies
    • View Course Description


Hydrogen for Net Zero

Hydrogen Council, McKinsey & Company

Friday, February 18, 2022 - Friday, February 18, 2022

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18 AT 9:30AM PACIFIC. The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) invites you to participate in a public workgroup meeting to discuss the Advanced Technology Demonstration and Pilot projects that were approved in the FY 2021-22 Low Carbon Transportation (LCT) Funding Plan.  Five project categories were approved supported by an allocation of $40 million from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.

At this workshop, staff will discuss the five project categories that were approved: Municipal Green Zones, Resilient Zero-Emission Vessel Charging Project, Modular Zero-Emission Capable Cargo Handling Equipment Demonstration, Emission Reductions for Ocean Going Vessels, and Zero-Emission Intrastate Line Haul Locomotives projects.  Additionally, staff will discuss the opportunities for a third-party administrator to oversee implementation of the Municipal Green Zones project and how a potential third-party administrator candidate can compete to implement the rest of the projects that are selected for funding.
Additionally, staff will discuss project implementation options and opportunities, project disadvantaged community requirements, match funding requirements, eligible applicants and project timelines.
The meeting agenda and any handouts will be posted to the Low Carbon Transportation Investments and Air Quality Improvement Program website ahead of the meeting.


An Atlas of Carbon and Hydrogen Hubs for United States Decarbonization

Great Plains Institute

China’s Hydrogen Industrial Strategy

Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - Tuesday, February 8, 2022

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8 AT 11:00AM PACIFIC. The Coalition for Clean Air is proud to continue our Clean Air Conversation series to discuss challenges and solutions (!) around air quality. Focused on our mission of protecting public health, improving air quality and preventing climate change, these conversations are a great way to educate yourself on the issues of the day and support our work. Unlike a traditional webinar, our conversation series are an interactive discussion with presenters and attendees as we discuss a variety of clean air topics.

February 8, 2022 – 11 am

California has been a leader in deploying cleaner alternatives to the fuels we use every day in our vehicles. Renewable natural gas, hydrogen, renewable diesel and even sustainable aviation fuel all play roles in lowering our carbon footprint and reducing local air pollution. But questions remain. How can we best utilize alternative fuels to address the continuing crises of climate change and air pollution? What are the environmental and economic challenges facing each fuel? From an operator perspective, what makes the most practical sense? Do certain applications have more advantages than others? Join us on February 8 as we dive into these questions and more with the experts who are making low-carbon fuels a reality. Panelists include Professor Jack Brouwer , Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC Irvine, Tim Olson, California Energy Commission, Nate Taylor, Southern California Gas Company and Bruce MacRae, UPS.


Wednesday, March 30, 2022 - Friday, April 1, 2022

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 - FRIDAY, APRIL 1. We are back excited to host the 3rd Annual Hydrogen Markets Americas Conference in-person in San Diego, CA, and virtually March 30 – April 1. We'll look at the growth of hydrogen as part of the move toward de-carbonization and learn about the current and future potential of hydrogen – investing in the infrastructure to make hydrogen happen. Attendees will include hydrogen producers, midstream natural gas companies, infrastructure investors, developers, electric power companies, regulators, and policy-makers, among many others.


Wednesday, May 25, 2022 - Thursday, May 26, 2022

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 - THURSDAY, MAY 26. This 2-day conference and international trade fair brings together renowned international specialists to discuss solutions for clean energy with hydrogen and fuel cells as game changers. This year, Edmonton takes the stage: a region with an energy history, large new hydrogen projects and the experience to become a global leader. The intriguing and dynamic program with expanded exhibition will bring the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Community together to create further projects and connections benefiting the industry for the years to come.


Thursday, July 14, 2022 - Friday, July 15, 2022

THURSDAY, JULY 14 - FRIDAY, JULY 15. Join CaFCP in partnership with H2 View at H2 View's North American Hydrogen Summit as we endeavor to answer as we look at the diversity of what’s popping up across the US. This event will also explore the investment climate and look at the various areas of mobility, not least why fuel cell buses are the canaries in the coal mine of hydrogen transportation.


Hydrogen Summit 2022 banner July 14-15
