Decarbonization will lead to more equitable air quality in California

University of California, Irvine 

CA Senate Bill No. 1291: Hydrogen-fueling stations: administrative approval.

State of California 

Assessment of Fuel Cell Technologies at Ports

U.S Environmental Protection Agency 

Sustainable Fuels in Trucking: The Greening of America’s Trucking Industry

Travel Centers of America 

Whitepaper: Understanding and Meeting Customer Expectations for Hydrogen Trucking


2020 Mobile Source Strategy

California Air Resources Board

Thursday, July 28, 2022 - Thursday, July 28, 2022

THURSDAY, JULY 28 AT 5:00PM PACIFIC. California Air Resources Board (CARB) staff invite you to participate in a listening session focused on the topic: Zero-Emission Trucks – How Do We Get There?

The goal of this listening session is to hear experiences, feedback, and/or suggestions for how CARB can further encourage commercial vehicle owners to use cleaner technology such as zero-emission trucks, and better support them in this process. We are seeking input from the people in our State who are impacted by poor air quality and have been advocating for cleaner transportation and from medium- and heavy-duty truck owners, including smaller fleets, who will benefit most from improvements to funding programs and other resources that CARB is developing to support them.

For questions regarding the listening session, zero-emission trucks, upcoming regulations, or funding opportunities, please email [email protected].


El personal de la Junta de Recursos del Aire de California (CARB) lo invita a participar en una sesión de escucha centrada en el tema: Camiones que generen cero emisiones: ¿cómo lo logramos?

El objetivo de esta sesión de escucha es escuchar las experiencias, comentarios y/o sugerencias sobre cómo la CARB puede animar aún más a los propietarios de vehículos comerciales a utilizar tecnologías más limpias, como los camiones de cero emisiones, y apoyarlos mejor en este proceso. Buscamos aportes de las personas de nuestro estado que se ven afectadas por la mala calidad del aire y que han abogado por un transporte más limpio, así como los de los propietarios de camiones medianos y pesados, incluidas las flotas más pequeñas, que serán los más beneficiados por las mejoras en los programas de financiación y otros recursos que la CARB está desarrollando para apoyarlos.

Si tiene preguntas sobre la sesión de escucha, los camiones de cero emisiones, las próximas regulaciones o las oportunidades de financiación, envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected].

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 - Tuesday, June 21, 2022

TUESDAY, JUNE 21 FROM 10:00AM - 5:00PM PACIFIC. The California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a workshop to discuss the role of hydrogen in California’s clean energy future. Vice Chair Siva Gunda is CEC’s Lead Commissioner for the 2022 IEPR Update. A quorum of commissioners may participate in person, but no votes will be taken. The public can participate in the workshop consistent with the direction provided below. Please note that the CEC aims to begin promptly at the start time posted and the end time is an estimate based on the agenda proposed. The workshop may end sooner or later than the posted end time depending on various factors.

Notice and Agenda
Notice of IEPR Commissioner Workshop

Remote Attendance
Participants may join via Zoom by internet or by phone.
• To use Zoom’s online platform, click on this link, or by logging in via Zoom™ at, entering the unique
Webinar ID: 990 0628 3544 and passcode: IEPR2022 and following all prompts.

To participate by telephone, call toll-free at (888) 475-4499 or toll at (669) 219-2599. When prompted, enter the Webinar ID: 990 0628 3544 and passcode: IEPR2022.
If you experience difficulties joining, contact Zoom at (888) 799-9666 ext. 2, or the Public Advisor at [email protected], or by phone at (916) 957-7910.

Attendees using a computer can access Zoom’s closed captioning service by clicking on the “live transcript” icon and then choosing either “show subtitle” or “view full transcript.” The closed captioning service can be stopped by closing out of the “live transcript” or selecting the “hide subtitle” icon. If using a phone, closed captioning is automatic and cannot be turned off. While the closed captioning is available in real-time, it typically includes errors. A more accurate transcript of the workshop developed by a professional court reporter will be docketed and posted in a later timeframe.

In-Person Attendance
Warren-Alquist State Energy Building
Rosenfeld Hearing Room, First Floor
1516 Ninth Street,
Sacramento, California 95814
(Wheelchair Accessible)

Thursday, July 14, 2022 - Thursday, July 14, 2022

THURSDAY, JULY 14 AT 10:00AM. Staff Workshop to Discuss Zero- and Near-Zero-Carbon Fuel Production and Supply Funding Concepts

The California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a public workshop to gather stakeholder feedback on potential funding concepts related to zero- and near-zero-carbon fuel production and supply. During the workshop, CEC staff will present proposals for future funding projects. CEC Commissioner Patty Monahan, Lead Commissioner on Transportation, may participate.

The workshop will be held remotely. The public can participate in the workshop consistent with the directions provided below and will have opportunities to provide comments. The CEC aims to begin promptly at the posted start time, and the end time is an estimate based on the proposed agenda. The workshop may end sooner or later than the posted end time depending on various factors.

Thursday, July 14, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Remote Access Only

Notice and Agenda
Notice of Staff Workshop to Discuss Zero- and Near-Zero-Carbon Fuel Production and Supply Funding Concepts

Remote Attendance
The workshop may be accessed by clicking the Zoom link below or visiting Zoom and entering the ID and password for the workshop listed below. If you experience difficulties joining, contact Zoom at (888) 799-9666 ext. 2, or the Public Advisor at [email protected] or at (916) 957-7910.

Attend Workshop via Zoom
Meeting ID: 996 5850 6690
Passcode: 582483
Use the “raise hand” feature to indicate you want to speak and the event facilitator will indicate when your line is open and ready for you to make a comment.

Friday, April 29, 2022 - Friday, April 29, 2022

FRIDAY, APRIL 29 AT 11:00AM PACIFIC. There are approximately 12 million medium-and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDV) in the United States, representing about 5% of all vehicles on the road and 30% of transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. There are distinguishable differences between MHDV and light duty vehicles and the same carbon abatement strategies may not apply to both sectors.

The Fuels Institute commissioned Guidehouse Insights to establish a baseline framework for evaluating the emissions contributions of the medium- and heavy-duty transportation sectors and the potential viable solutions that could be applied. In this webinar, we would like to share the results of the report, which specifically sought to demonstrate the diversity and complexity of the medium- and heavy-duty sectors to help accelerate identification of emissions solutions that will yield the greatest benefit at the lowest achievable cost by enabling decision makers to consider the unique applications of each type of vehicle.


  • John Eichberger, Executive Director, Fuels Institute. John Eichberger is Executive Director of the Fuels Institute. Founded by NACS in 2013, the Fuels Institute is a non-profit that evaluates market issues related to vehicles and the energy that powers them. The Institute, led by a diverse Board of transportation experts, is an objective and collaborative research organization that does not advocate. Previously, Eichberger served more than 14 years at NACS representing the convenience and fuel retailing industry before the media and federal government. With more than 20 years of related experience, Eichberger is a recognized expert on the transportation energy market.
  • Mike Homan, Associate Director-Fleet Optimization, Guidehouse. Mike Homan holds a proven track record developing fleet optimization strategies that create tangible value. He has led development of cost and operational models to assess the value of fleet electrification technologies. Mike employs positive leadership, continuous improvement, systems design and utility specific financial analysis to build effective programs. Mike holds a BS in Economics from Purdue University and Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan.
  • Sam Abuelsamid, Associate Director, Guidehouse. Sam Abuelsamid is a principal analyst leading the E-Mobility Research Service with a focus on transportation electrification, automated driving and mobility services. With Guidehouse, Sam has worked with numerous clients to help them understand emerging technology trends and shape strategies. Sam regularly contributes to a number of publications including Autonomous Vehicle Engineering, Forbes and One Zero and co-hosts the Wheel Bearings podcast. Trained as a mechanical engineer, Sam worked in the automotive industry for more than two decades, developing advanced electronic control systems and embedded software. Prior to joining Guidehouse Insights (formerly Navigant Research) in 2014, Sam worked as an automotive journalist and in product and technology communications at Ford and GM

