Friday, April 29, 2022 - Friday, April 29, 2022
FRIDAY, APRIL 29 AT 11:00AM PACIFIC. There are approximately 12 million medium-and heavy-duty vehicles (MHDV) in the United States, representing about 5% of all vehicles on the road and 30% of transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. There are distinguishable differences between MHDV and light duty vehicles and the same carbon abatement strategies may not apply to both sectors.
The Fuels Institute commissioned Guidehouse Insights to establish a baseline framework for evaluating the emissions contributions of the medium- and heavy-duty transportation sectors and the potential viable solutions that could be applied. In this webinar, we would like to share the results of the report, which specifically sought to demonstrate the diversity and complexity of the medium- and heavy-duty sectors to help accelerate identification of emissions solutions that will yield the greatest benefit at the lowest achievable cost by enabling decision makers to consider the unique applications of each type of vehicle.
- John Eichberger, Executive Director, Fuels Institute. John Eichberger is Executive Director of the Fuels Institute. Founded by NACS in 2013, the Fuels Institute is a non-profit that evaluates market issues related to vehicles and the energy that powers them. The Institute, led by a diverse Board of transportation experts, is an objective and collaborative research organization that does not advocate. Previously, Eichberger served more than 14 years at NACS representing the convenience and fuel retailing industry before the media and federal government. With more than 20 years of related experience, Eichberger is a recognized expert on the transportation energy market.
- Mike Homan, Associate Director-Fleet Optimization, Guidehouse. Mike Homan holds a proven track record developing fleet optimization strategies that create tangible value. He has led development of cost and operational models to assess the value of fleet electrification technologies. Mike employs positive leadership, continuous improvement, systems design and utility specific financial analysis to build effective programs. Mike holds a BS in Economics from Purdue University and Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan.
- Sam Abuelsamid, Associate Director, Guidehouse. Sam Abuelsamid is a principal analyst leading the E-Mobility Research Service with a focus on transportation electrification, automated driving and mobility services. With Guidehouse, Sam has worked with numerous clients to help them understand emerging technology trends and shape strategies. Sam regularly contributes to a number of publications including Autonomous Vehicle Engineering, Forbes and One Zero and co-hosts the Wheel Bearings podcast. Trained as a mechanical engineer, Sam worked in the automotive industry for more than two decades, developing advanced electronic control systems and embedded software. Prior to joining Guidehouse Insights (formerly Navigant Research) in 2014, Sam worked as an automotive journalist and in product and technology communications at Ford and GM