Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - Wednesday, November 3, 2021

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 AT 12:00PM EASTERN. Join this month’s H2IQ Hour on November 3, 2021 at 12 PM E.T, to hear about results from the DOE Hydrogen Program’s Request for Information (RFI) on hydrogen demonstration locations around the U.S.

In June 2021, DOE’s Hydrogen Program issued a Request for Information to solicit information about possible demonstration locations across the United States. The RFI included questions about infrastructure, end users, and greenhouse gas reduction potential as well as diversity, equity, and inclusion to ensure work under Hydrogen Shot take environmental justice issues and disadvantaged communities into consideration. The DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, which coordinates work across the Hydrogen Program, will discuss the results of RFI and the opportunities hydrogen offers in various regions around the country.

The H2IQ Hour will include a 45-minute live presentation, followed by 15 minutes of Q&A. A recording of the H2IQ will be available on the website after the event


Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - Wednesday, November 3, 2021

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 AT 9:30AM PACIFIC. Heidi Wolden, CEO of Norled and Joe Pratt, CEO and CTO of Zero Emission Industries will share their insights and approach to decarbonizing maritime vessels, including key technologies, newest trends, and how to approach the transformation. The event will be moderated by Jennifer States, Vice President for Projects and Strategy at Washington Maritime Blue, and together they will discuss drivers for change, common challenges and future opportunities for cross-Atlantic co-operation.



Monday, December 6, 2021 - Monday, December 6, 2021

MONDAY, DECEMBER 6 AT 3:00PM PACIFIC. The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan and The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) are hosting this two-part online event covering how Pacific West states and provinces are approaching hydrogen in their clean energy policies and how the Japanese industry is partnering with the local sector on building the transportation and power infrastructure for a hydrogen economy.

3:00 pm:Session 2 - Opening Remarks and Greetings Introduction of the Alliance’s activities and how it supports the clean tech sector in the U.S. and Canada, especially for the hydrogen ecosystem.

CleanTech Alliance

Mel Clark | President and CEO, CleanTech Alliance

3:10 pm: Panel Discussion B | Expanding FCVs and Fuel Cells
Fuel cell vehicle and fuel cell supply-side and user-side entities will discuss their experiences with hydrogen-powered vehicles, including about the advantages and the essentials for developing a fleet in a commercially viable way. The panel will include a 30-minute discussion and audience Q&A time.


  • Kohei Masaki | Hydrogen Strategy Consultant, Electrified Vehicle Technology Office, Toyota Motor North America
  • Philippe Gerretsen | Senior Manager, Energy Project Development, Nikola
  • Matthew Arms | Director of Environmental Planning, Port of Long Beach
  • Amazon

Panel Moderator:

  • Dr. Joseph Williams | Seattle Director for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

4:10 pm: Panel Discussion C | Expanding Hydrogen Fueling Stations
Panelists will share information about efforts by businesses, industry groups, and governments in the Pacific West and in Japan to lower capital construction and operation costs of hydrogen fueling stations. This panel will clarify some of the problems and practical solutions for supporting the expansion of these facilities, will include a 30-minute discussion and audience Q&A time.


  • Joseph S. Cappello | CEO, Iwatani Corporation of America
  • Dr. Shane Stephens | Founder & CDO, FirstElement Fuel
  • Michael Hursh | General Manager, Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District
  • Colin Armstrong | President and CEO, HTEC

Panel Moderator:

Bill Elrick | Executive Director, California Fuel Cell Partnership

5:10 pm: Panel Discussion D | Enhancing Grid Reliability with Hydrogen
The final panel will address the challenges of and prospects for deploying fuel cells and hydrogen power generation to enhance electrical grid reliability. Panelists will also discuss domestic, regional, and international supply chain issues; a 20-minute discussion and audience Q&A time will be included.


  • Dexter Gauntlett | Head of Smart City Utility Advisory, Panasonic North America
  • Peter Sawicki | Regional Director, Sales and Marketing, Mitsubishi Power Americas
  • Martin Adams | General Manager and Chief Engineer, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Panel Moderator:

  • Janice Lin | Founder & President, Green Hydrogen Coalition

5:48 pm: Session 2 - Closing Remarks

Thursday, December 2, 2021 - Thursday, December 2, 2021

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 AT 3:00PM PACIFIC. The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan and The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) are hosting this two-part online event covering how Pacific West states and provinces are approaching hydrogen in their clean energy policies and how the Japanese industry is partnering with the local sector on building the transportation and power infrastructure for a hydrogen economy.

Key Objectives:

  • To learn about what governments in the Pacific West are doing to plan for and support the transition to a zero-carbon energy economy.
  • To better understand the versatility of hydrogen as a transportation fuel and utility power source.
  • To highlight case studies of commercially viable hydrogen projects.
  • To share information on market trends and business opportunities related to hydrogen in the Pacific West states and Japan.
  • To provide an opportunity for networking between businesses, industry groups, and governments on both sides of the Pacific.


3:00 pm: Session 1 - Opening remarks

  • Yumitori Shuji | Executive Director, NEDO
  • Sone Ichiro | Executive Vice President, JETRO

3:10 pm: Greetings

  • Muto Akira | Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles
  • Eleni Kounalakis | Lieutenant Governor, State of California
  • Kate Brown | Governor, State of Oregon
  • Jay Inslee | Governor, State of Washington
  • Province of British Columbia

3:40 pm: Keynote Speeches
- Hydrogen as multi-use clean energy resource, including a market and jobs forecast

  • Dr. Jimmy Chen | Managing Director, Stanford Energy Corporate Affiliates (SECA) – Stanford University Precourt Institute for Energy

- U.S. federal policies, regulations, and incentives on hydrogen (Tentative)

  • Elizabeth Urbanas | Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia and the Americas, U.S. Department of Energy

- Japanese policies on hydrogen toward carbon neutrality

  • Tadashi Mogi | Director-General, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Dept., Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

4:10 pm: Panel Discussion A | State Strategies
State and provincial representatives will present information from their regions about clean energy policy that involve hydrogen and discuss the challenges and opportunities in the expansion of this resource. The panel will include a 30-minute discussion and audience Q&A time.


  • Dr. Andrew McAllister | Commissioner, California Energy Commission
  • Brian Young | Director of Economic Development, Clean Technology Sector
  • Dr. Gerri Sinclair | B.C. Innovation Commissioner, Province of British Columbia
  • Rebecca Smith | Senior Energy Policy Analyst, Oregon Department of Energy

Panel Moderator:

Dr. Aaron Feaver | Director, Joint Center for Deployment and Research in Earth Abundant Materials at Washington State University

5:08 pm: Session 1 - Closing Remarks


Thursday, October 28, 2021 - Thursday, October 28, 2021

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 AT 5:30PM PACIFIC. Join CaFCP's Jennifer Hamilton at this month's "Clean Tech Monthly Meetup" hosted by CleanStart. At this month's meetup, they will explore what's new with alternative fuels. You'll hear from the California Fuel Cell Partnership, the California Air Resources Board, and the Western States Hydrogen Alliance. CleanTech Meetups are technology-focused monthly gatherings that feature presentations about products and technologies from companies that are already in operation as well as early-stage startups. Because of the pandemic, we will be meeting online via Zoom.

Roxana Bekemohammadi, Executive Director at Western States Hydrogen Alliance
Dr. Yachun Chow, Manager, Zero Emission Truck and Bus Section at California Air Resources Board
Jennifer Hamilton, Program Manager at California Fuel Cell Partnership


Friday, October 29, 2021 - Friday, October 29, 2021

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29 AT 11:0AM PACIFIC. The California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a workshop to inform the development of grant incentives for in-state manufacturing of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), ZEV-related manufacturing including ZEV parts, components, batteries, and fueling infrastructure equipment. The purpose of the workshop is to solicit public input and comment prior to issuance of the grant funding solicitation.

The workshop will be held remotely, consistent with Assembly Bill 361 (Rivas, Chapter 165, Statutes of 2021) to improve and enhance public access to state agency meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic and future emergencies by allowing broader access through teleconferencing options. The public can participate in the workshop consistent with the direction provided below. Please note that the CEC aims to begin promptly at the start time posted and the end time is an estimate based on the agenda proposed. The workshop may end sooner or later than the posted end time depending on various factors. A quorum of commissioners may participate, but no votes will be taken.

Link to Workshop: The Zoom link for the workshop is available at:
Workshop ID: 969 4136 2483
Workshop Password: 890835

Thursday, October 28, 2021 - Thursday, October 28, 2021

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 AT 8:00AM PACIFIC. The Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) is convening a virtual public workshop on clean hydrogen in the Carolinas. This workshop will bring diverse stakeholders together to focus on enabling economic opportunity while accelerating decarbonization in North Carolina and South Carolina by exploring the potential value, development pathways, and industrial coordination of a clean hydrogen hub in the region.


Ernest J. Moniz, CEO & Founder, Energy Futures Initiative; 13th U.S. Secretary of Energy
Lynn Good, CEO of Duke Energy
Vahid Majidi, Director of Savannah River National Laboratory
Neva Espinosa, Vice President, Energy Supply and Low Carbon Resources, EPRI
David Parkin, Director, HyNet North West Project
Janice Lin, President, Green Hydrogen Coalition
Randolf Weterings, Program Manager Electrification and Hydrogen, Port of Rotterdam


Event Website:

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - Tuesday, November 9, 2021

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 AT 10:00AM CENTRAL. Hydrogen has become an alternative energy carrier at the forefront of achieving net zero goals across the entire value chain—from production and generation to end use, and offers great opportunities to decarbonize our energy system as well as a sizable portion of our economy. The versatility of hydrogen creates an extraordinary opportunity for it to become a greater part of our global energy system without sacrificing our ability to support economic growth around the world.

Join us as we explore the innovative hydrogen production and generation technology developments underway to enable expanded use of hydrogen economy wide.


California Hydrogen Policy Series Recording

October 2021 California Hydrogen Policy Series recording (YouTube)
