Wednesday, July 28, 2021 - Wednesday, July 28, 2021

WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 AT 10:00AM - 12:00PM (PACIFIC). The California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a workshop to explore the potential role of hydrogen technologies in California’s clean energy transition. Commissioner J. Andrew McAllister is CEC’s lead commissioner for the 2021 Integrated Energy Policy Report (2021 IEPR) and Commissioner Karen Douglas is the lead for the analysis of hydrogen for the 2021 IEPR proceeding.

A quorum of commissioners from the CEC or California Public Utilities Commission may participate, but no votes will be taken.

The workshop will be held remotely, consistent with Executive Order N-08-21 to continue to help California respond to, recover from, and mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The public can participate in the workshop consistent with the direction in the executive order.

The workshop will be held in two sessions on Wednesday, July 28, 2021 as follows:

Session 1 at 10:00 a.m. - International and National Applications
Webinar ID: 983 8552 9258
Webinar Passcode: IEPR2021

Notice of IEPR Commission Workshop

Remote Attendance
Remote access is available by both internet or call-in options. Participants may join any or all scheduled panel sessions by clicking on the links above or by logging in via Zoom™ at, entering in the unique Webinar ID and Passcode for the session(s) of their choice, and following all prompts.

To participate by telephone, dial toll-free at (888) 475-4499 or at (669) 219-2599. When prompted, enter the Webinar ID and Passcode for the session of your choice.

If you experience difficulties joining, contact Zoom at (888) 799-9666 ext. 2, or the Public Advisor’s Office at [email protected], or by phone at (916) 654-4489, or toll-free at 800-822-6228.or the Public Advisor’s Office at [email protected], or by phone at (916) 654-4489, or toll-free at 800-822-6228.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021 - Wednesday, July 21, 2021

WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 AT 11:00AM (PACIFIC). Learn about the second solicitation of approximately $26 million in Volkswagen Environmental Mitigation Trust settlement funding available to entities throughout California for Combustion Freight and Marine Projects on a first-come, first-served basis until funding is exhausted.

Webinar topics covered will include:

  •   Key eligibility criteria
  •   Project options and funding amounts
  •   Deadlines and application overview
  •   Application evaluation criteria
  •   Questions and answers


Eligible Projects Include:

• Replace/Repower

  • Class 7 and 8 Freight Trucks, Drayage Trucks, Dump Trucks, Waste Haulers, and Concrete Mixers
  • Freight Switcher Locomotives

• Repower Only

  • Ferries, Tugboats, and Towboats

Basic Project Requirements

• Ownership: Proof of ownership for at least one year
• Operation: Operate old and new vehicle/equipment/engine at least 75% of the time within California
• Scrapping: Existing vehicle/equipment/engine must be scrapped
• Certification: New vehicle/equipment/engine must be certified by CARB or EPA for marine engines
• Funding cap per entity: 10% ($ 3.0 million)
• Reporting:
Applicants granted an award must submit annual usage reports for the term of the contract

Interested in applying? Here’s what you’ll need:

• Copy of title (no lienholder)
• Existing and new vehicle/equipment/engine information
• Photos and documentation supporting existing vehicle/equipment/engine
• Vendor quote for new vehicle/equipment/engine
• 12 months of vehicle registration documentation (on-road vehicles only)
• 12 months of insurance documentation
• 12 months of records showing odometer or hour meter readings
• 4 required business documents


The Combustion Freight and Marine Projects category is part of the VW Environmental Mitigation Trust, a nationwide program that provides $423 million for California to fully mitigate the excess nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions caused by VW’s use of illegal emissions testing defeat devices in VW diesel vehicles. California’s funding is intended to accelerate the replacement of older, higher polluting engines throughout the state, including but not limited to areas that are disproportionately impacted by air pollution, such as freight corridors, ports, and rail yards. At least 50 percent of the funds from this funding category are expected to benefit disadvantaged or low-income communities. For more information on California’s VW Mitigation Trust program, visit the program website.

The South Coast Air Quality Management District is serving as the statewide administrator of the funding for this project category in partnership with CARB. If you have any questions regarding the upcoming webinar, please visit the Combustion Freight and Marine Projects website, email, or call toll-free (833) 894-7267

Wednesday, July 28, 2021 - Thursday, July 29, 2021

WEDNESDAY, JULY 28 - THURSDAY, JULY 29 AT 9:00AM (PACIFIC). Join, Richard Corey, Executive Officer, California Air Resources Board (CARB) deliver the keynote presentation at Global Mass Transit's virtual conference on ‘Clean Buses in the US.' The mission of the conference is to discuss the strategies and plans of transit agencies/authorities to transition to a zero-emission bus fleet, relevant experiences, recent developments, best practices, key issues, and the lessons learned. It will also provide information on procuring, financing, operating and maintaining clean buses and infrastructure. The conference will also highlight opportunities and technological innovations.

The other key confirmed speakers include (in alphabetical order):
Matthew B. Allison, Chief of Transit Operations, Central Ohio Transit Authority
Michael Booth, AICP, Capital Projects Director, IndyGo
David Carr, Facilities and Fleet Manager, Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County
Craig Cipriano, President, MTA Bus (New York)
Ed Cordeiro, Director of Sales, Americas, Dynacert
Russell Davies, Bus Electrification and Alternative Fuels Director, Parsons
Nicole Geneau, Senior Vice President, Development, AlphaStruxure
Stacey Grauer, Business Development Director – Clean Hydrogen, Linde
Licinia Iberri, Co-Chair, Zero-Emission Fleets and Facilities Technical Advisory Committee, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Darrell E. Johnson, Chief Executive Officer, Orange County Transportation Authority
Bhavin Khatri, Zero Emission Program Manager, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Kevin Kibet, Transit Capital Project Manager, King County
Scott Koonce, Vice President of Energy, BayoTech
Craig Knight, Chief Executive Officer, Hyzon Motors
Ryan Mackem, Business Development Manager, INIT Innovations in Transportation, Inc.
Jaime Maguire, Program Director, Safety Solutions Division, Protran Technology
Jess Montes, Senior Executive Officer, Vehicle Acquisition, LA Metro
Macy Neshati, Executive Director/CEO, Antelope Valley Transit Authority
Sasha Pejcic, Principal, Transportation, Global Bus Lead, Stantec
Tim Sasseen, Market Development Manager, US, Ballard Power Systems
Lauren Skiver, CEO/General Manager, SunLine Transit Agency
Mylene Tassy, Vice-President Sales & Marketing, Nova Bus, part of Volvo Group
Sydney Vergis, Division Chief, California Air Resources Board
Michael Walton, PE, DGCP, Director of Advanced Power Systems, Burns Engineering
Kendell Whitehead, Heavy Vehicle Charging Solutions Lead, Western Region, ABB
Fred Worthen, Assistant General Manager of Bus Operations, Denver Regional Transportation District


Thursday, July 15, 2021 - Thursday, July 15, 2021

THURSDAY, JULY 15 AT 10:00AM (PACIFIC)This briefing will explore how hydrogen infrastructure can create a self-sustaining market in California within this decade with moderate public support and a promise to phasing-out public funding support. This should make hydrogen infrastructure an attractive solution for the state’s ambitious ZEV goals and mandates, at limited cost to the taxpayer.

The briefing will hear the perspectives of the state's leading government voices on hydrogen station buildout and from different station developers on their perspective of reaching self-sustaining markets and the barriers that need to be addressed to get there. Speakers are encouraged to provide any specifics they can divulge publicly about their financial business case for light-duty FCEVs fueling infrastructure.

Briefing Agenda:

10:00 AM: Welcome and Introductions
• Bill Zobel, CHBC Executive Director

10:05 AM: Opening Keynote
• Gia Brazil Vacin, Assistant Deputy Director, Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV), Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development

10:15 AM: Summary of the Hydrogen Station Network Self-Sufficiency Analysis per Assembly Bill 8
• Dr. Andrew Martinez, Air Pollution Specialist · California Air Resources Board

10:30 AM: Roundtable discussion on the approach for investing in LD infrastructure with a clear ramp off for public investment to provide specifics about the financial business case for light-duty FCEVs and the limited public support, possible to sunset by 2030.

11:30AM: Close-Out

Moderator: Bill Zobel, Executive Director, CHBC
Salim Rahemtulla, President, PowerTap
Al Burgunder, Director, Product Management, Linde US (invited)
Steve Ellis, First Element Fuel
Dr. Andrew Martinez, Air Pollution Specialist · California Air Resources Board
Gia Brazil Vacin, Assistant Deputy Director, Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV), Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development


SAE J2601_202005

Fueling Protocols for Light Duty Gaseous Hydrogen Surface Vehicles

Hydrogen Utilization in the Electricity Sector: Opportunities, Issues, and Challenges

Georgia Tech Strategic Energy Institute 

Wednesday, June 30, 2021 - Wednesday, June 30, 2021

THURSDAY, JUNE 30 AT 1:00PM (PACIFIC). The California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) invites you to participate in a work group meeting to discuss the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP). At this work group meeting staff will present an update to program funding projections and begin the discussion on possible program change considerations for Fiscal Year 2021-22. The meeting agenda and any handouts will be posted to the Low Carbon Transportation Investments and Air Quality Improvement Program website ahead of the meeting.

Webinar Registration

Tuesday, June 29, 2021 - Tuesday, June 29, 2021

TUESDAY, JUNE 29 AT 12:00PM (EASTERN). Please join the Clean Hydrogen Future Coalition (CHFC) for a virtual briefing: Hydrogen 101: Clean Hydrogen Projects & Policy. Our featured speakers will provide an overview of the federal policy outlook for clean hydrogen technologies and discuss hydrogen projects underway in the U.S.

The Clean Hydrogen Future Coalition (CHFC) was founded to bring together a diverse group of stakeholders under a shared vision to promote clean hydrogen as a key pathway to achieve global decarbonization objectives while also increasing U.S. global competitiveness. Modeling by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and others predicts that global climate mitigation efforts will fall short of the 2°C target unless the world’s energy system – from power generation to all end-use sectors – undertakes substantial technological changes. One of the most viable technology pathways that international climate modeling authorities have identified for meeting those climate targets is clean hydrogen. Clean hydrogen has the ability to accelerate decarbonization across all sectors of the U.S. economy, as well as transition existing - and create new - skilled, high paying jobs needed to support the clean energy transition. Multiple domestic industries have identified clean hydrogen as a critical component of their strategy for achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emission targets. You can find more information on the CHFC at


Event Website:

Thursday, July 1, 2021 - Thursday, July 1, 2021

THURSDAY, JULY 1 AT 2:15PM (CENTRAL). The Midwestern Hydrogen Partnership offers this Special Presentation from the U.S. Department of Energy's Dr. Sunita Satyapal. She will discuss the Department’s first Energy Earthshot—Hydrogen Shot—which seeks to reduce the cost of clean hydrogen by 80% to $1 per kilogram in one decade. Dr. Satyapal will also discuss the current Request For Information (RFI) that seeks stakeholder feedback on viable hydrogen demonstrations, including specific locations, that can help lower the cost of hydrogen, reduce carbon emissions and local air pollution, create good-paying jobs, and provide benefits to disadvantaged communities.

For more information on the Hydrogen Shot, click here.

For more information on the Request For Information, click here.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021 - Tuesday, August 17, 2021

TUESDAY, AUGUST 17 AT 11:00AM (PACIFIC). Join our very own, Jennifer Hamilton present on, "Hydrogen Used in Vehicles - Past, Present, and Future Panel during the 2021 CGA Young & Emerging Professionals Summit Week 3: Hydrogen. The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) and the Gases and Welding Distributors Association (GAWDA) will once again co-host the 2021 Young & Emerging Professionals Summit. Registration is complimentary for all qualifying participants.*

The 2021 Summit will feature one industry topic per week. The topics will include acetylene, liquefied petroleum gas, inert gases, hydrogen, and oxygen. The first session of each week will provide a high-level overview followed by a panel discussion, and the second session will feature a technical deep dive reviewing an incident or technical issue and the resulting effect on industry best practices. This format will accommodate attendees at all experience levels, allowing each participant to select the level of technical content that best meets their needs.

Our presenters and panelists are leading subject matter experts in their fields who will share their experiences, industry history, and more. They come from a wide range of industry backgrounds, including gas producers, distributors, equipment suppliers, and industry association representatives in order to bring varied perspectives to the discussion.

See the detailed Summit schedule for information on all sessions.

*Please Note: Summit attendance is limited to young and emerging professionals who work for member companies in good standing with CGA or GAWDA (in order to register through GAWDA, your company must participate in the CGA publications subscription program). “Young and emerging professionals” are defined as those aged 45 years or younger, OR someone who is new to their area of industry operations.


