WEDNESDAY, JULY 21 AT 10:00AM (EASTERN). Join our Saferty and Education Program Manager; Jennifer Hamilton during a one-hour session on, "hydrogen safety codes and standads on a global scale."
As the emerging hydrogen transportation and stationary power markets grow, so have codes and standards which promote safety. Recently, there have been efforts to harmonize these documents to accommodate a global market. Attend this sponsored webinar to better understand today’s model codes and major standards, where harmonization is taking place and its potential implications and how your new applications have been—or will be—affected.
In one hour, you’ll hear from those directly involved in the development of codes and standards as well as those doing the research that feeds into the proposed changes to existing documents. You’ll gain a clear idea of what you can do now in response, where to put your resources and how to plan for future energy storage and fueling projects, equipment and design. You’ll explore where the needs are for new applications and what activities are happening to fill in the gaps. In addition, you’ll discover new areas of collaboration with other industry stakeholders.
You’ll learn how to:
Understand at a high level the codes and standards landscape for hydrogen and fuel cells application
Recognize and apply the appropriate documents to your area
Analyze and make sense of necessary additions or changes
Identify the correct groups to join for document revision or development
Jennifer Hamilton
Jennifer has been with the California Fuel Cell Partnerships since 2006. She actively participates with and supports the development of national and international safety, codes & standards. She also leads the hydrogen education and outreach to the emergency response and permitting official communities. Jennifer, along with the rest of the CaFCP staff, works with their members to grow the hydrogen market in California and beyond.Read more
Chris LaFleur, P.E.
Chris LaFleur, P.E., is the program lead for Hydrogen Safety, Codes, and Standards at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, where she is responsible for the fire risk program activities and conducting research on the fire risks of emerging energy technologies. Before joining Sandia, she worked at General Motors and Parsons Engineering Science. She has represented the U.S. in the development of hydrogen codes and standards for maritime applications and serves as a member of the sprinkler discharge criteria committee of NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems, and NFPA 2,...Read more
Nicholas Hart, Ph.d.
ITM Power is an electrolyser (hydrogen generator using water electrolysis) manufacturer based in Sheffield, UK. Nick leads the compliance activities for ITM’s electrolyser and refuelling station products and operations. As part of this activity, Nick has become UK lead expert to International Standards Organisation (ISO) Technical Committee (TC) ISO TC 197 developing standards and technical guidance for hydrogen technologies, also UK lead expert to the Comité Européen de Normalisation (CEN) TC 268 WG5, preparing standards harmonised to the European Directive...Read more
You will be able to download and print a certificate for PDH credits after you have attended the webinar.