Thursday, March 16, 2023 - Thursday, March 16, 2023

THURSDAY, MARCH 16 FROM 6:00PM- 9:00PM. join Climate Resolve for our annual gala and awards ceremony, Coolest in LA 2023. This year’s Coolest in LA, our 10th gala celebrating local climate achievements, will be held at the LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes in Historic Downtown Los Angeles. It’s shaping-up to be our biggest and most glamorous event to date.

We’re excited to honor the following climate leaders at this year’s gala:

  • Kellie Hawkins Davis • EKA • Ms. Hawkins Davis served as a healthcare investments advisor to the Obama Administration. Prior to her federal service, she served the administration of former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, where she served as a policy advisor and later as a general manager for a city agency. Ms. Hawkins Davis is currently a partner at EKA PR firm.
  • Andy Lipkis • ARLA • Mr. Lipkis is the Founder of TreePeople, a practical visionary who began planting trees to rehabilitate smog and fire damaged Los Angeles. Mr. Lipkis is the current Project Executive at Accelerate Resilience LA (ARLA)
  • GuardTop • CoolSeal • GuardTop offers innovative, solar-activated engineering to deliver a higher performing, longer-lasting asphalt sealcoat for forward-thinking communities and institutions. They reduce surface temperatures, preserve and protect surfaces.
  • 41st Mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa • Governor Newsom’s Infrastructure Lead • Mr. Villaraigosa is currently a partner and co-chair at Actum where he focuses on strategic and crisis communication consulting to senior executives in large public and private sector organizations.



Event Website:

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 - Thursday, May 11, 2023

TUESDAY, MAY 9 - THURSDAY, MAY 11. Join AIChE in Rotterdam Ahoy, Netherlands for their, Center for Hydrogen Safety Europe Conference. The Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS), the conference will bring together academics, industry, and government representatives to create a space for applied hydrogen safety topics to be discussed, to provide a space for collaboration and community, and to give opportunity for your questions.

Submit An Abstract - DEADLINE Wednesday, March 15, 2023


Potential pricing regimes for a global low-carbon hydrogen market

Clean Air Task Force

Mexico Clean Energy Report—Executive Summary

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 

Hydrogen patents for a clean energy future

FACT SHEET: Key Deliverables for the 2023 North American Leaders’ Summit

United States, Canada and Mexico

Thursday, January 12, 2023 - Thursday, January 12, 2023

THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 AT 7:30AM PACIFIC. Join DOE for the H2Hubs Applicant Informational Webinar.

The webinar will cover: 

  • An overview of the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) and OCED Credo
  • Clarification of expectations for applicants
  • Guidance on Community Benefits Plans
  • A transcript and recording will be made available on this page for those unable to attend.



Event Website:

Monday, June 19, 2023 - Tuesday, June 20, 2023

MONDAY, JUNE 19 - TUESDAY, JUNE 20. The California Hydrogen Leadership Summit explores the policies, programs and incentives needed to accelerate production, use, and storage of hydrogen, which is essential to California’s ability to meet emissions goals and address climate protection, air quality, energy resilience and sustainable economic growth needs.

Join leaders from the energy sector, transportation, industry, academia and representatives from California state government, including legislative and administrative staff responsible for implementing climate change, air quality, energy diversity and conservation policies.

Advances in Power-to-Gas Technologies: Cost and Conversion Efficiency

Glenk, Gunther and Holler, Philip, University of Mannheim and Reichelstein, Stefan, Stanford University

Incentives to Support the Transition to Zero Emissions for Medium- and Heavy-duty Sectors in Oregon

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Department of Transportation
