Animation: FuelCell Energy Tri-gen at Toyota Long Beach Port Operations

Toyota and FuelCell Energy

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 - Thursday, June 29, 2023

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28-THURSDAY, JUNE 29. Hydrogen Technology Conference & Expo is North America's must-attend exhibition and conference that is exclusively dedicated to discussing advanced technologies for the hydrogen and fuel cell industry. The event brings together the entire hydrogen value chain to focus on developing solutions and innovations for low-carbon hydrogen production, efficient storage and distribution as well as applications in a variety of stationary and mobile applications.

More than 200+ exhibitors, 110+ speakers and over 3,500+ attendees will come together to discuss, and see, the latest technologies and engineering solutions, advanced materials, manufacturing equipment, infrastructure, as well as test and evaluation tools and services to finally commercialize hydrogen as a mainstream provider of clean, renewable energy.


Monday, April 3, 2023 - Wednesday, April 5, 2023

MONDAY, APRIL 3 - WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. The Hydrogen Markets Americas Conference gathers hundreds of energy professionals from around the world to discuss the growth of hydrogen as part of the move toward de-carbonization. Explore current and future potential in the markets, including infrastructure investment to make hydrogen use a reality.

We'll discuss the most crucial topics impacting your business, including:
— Economics of hydrogen: cost of production, price levels, competitiveness, comparisons with other energy sources
— Current and potential markets in industries including power generation, transportation, chemicals
— The role of hydrogen in energy transition
— Utility projects and plans for investment
— Ammonia and hydrogen storage
— Infrastructure investment, including repurposing pipelines and storage
— New federal and state legislation, including the impact of the IRA
— An update on hydrogen hubs, new technologies and investment


Monday, March 6, 2023 - Friday, March 10, 2023

MONDAY, MARCH 6 - THURSDAY, MARCH 10. Join global leaders, policymakers and executives from across energy, climate, finance, technology, and industry at CERAWeek 2023 for timely dialogue, shared learning and connection. Register now for a special rate.



Wednesday, March 8, 2023 - Wednesday, March 8, 2023

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8 AT 10:00AM PACIFIC. Following a successful Webinar #1, Ballard continues its Fuel Cell Electric Bus Webinar Series with Webinar #2 -"Hydrogen Fueling and Permitting" on March 8th, 2023, from 10:00 AM to 10:45 AM (PST). Industry experts will explore hydrogen refueling and permitting in North America’s zero-emission transit bus landscape.

Representatives from Ballard, BayoTech, Linde, KTC, and the Hydrogen Safety Council will contribute to a comprehensive speaking agenda that will introduce and explain key topics including:

1. Introduction to Hydrogen Fueling and Permitting - by Kim Leach (Market Development Manager, Ballard)
2. Hydrogen Fuel on the Bus and at the Depot - by Sydney Krueger (President, Krueger Transit Consulting)
3. Hydrogen Safety and Sustainability - by Timothy Sasseen (Market Development Director, Ballard)
4. First Deployments and Gaseous H2 Options - by Hernan Henriquez (Vice President of Sales, BayoTech)
5. Liquid H2 and Fleet Deployments at Scale - by Stacey Grauer (Director of Business Development, Linde)
6. Ensuring Successful Station Builds - by Nick Barilo (Director of the Center for Hydrogen Safety, Hydrogen Safety Council)

The 30 Min presentation will be followed by 15 Min Q&A, our experts will be happy to answer your queries!


Event Website:

Zero Emission Transit Bus Technology Analysis: Volume 4, January 2022 – June 2022

AC Transit

Infographic: How do hydrogen engines work?


Infographic: Hydrogen internal combustion engineers (ICE) and hydrogen fuel cells


WHITE PAPER: Distributed hydrogen production; Lowering the global cost and carbon footprint of hydrogen production

FuelCell Energy

Thursday, March 2, 2023 - Thursday, March 2, 2023

THURSDAY, MARCH 2 - Alternative fuel corridors feature strategically positioned infrastructure and resources to create a national network of plug-in electric vehicle charging stations as well as hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along U.S. highway system corridors. By way of powerful partnerships between businesses, fuel providers, vehicle fleets, and state and local government agencies, examples of these accomplishments can be found in almost every state.

This session will feature leaders from Utah Clean Cities, Drive Clean Colorado, and Columbia-Willamette Clean Cities Coalition. Find out how partnerships with your Clean Cities Coalition can be leveraged to develop and launch projects that have community, regional, and national impacts.
