September 16, 2020 AB 8 presentation, CARB
Thursday, November 12, 2020 - Thursday, November 12, 2020
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH FROM 10:00AM- 12:00PM PT. California has spent more than $300 million in the past 10 years funding rebates for hydrogen cars, constructing hydrogen refueling stations, empowering cities to purchase hydrogen-powered transit buses, as well as subsidizing development of hydrogen-driven freight trucks. However, without a formalized Hydrogen Strategy, California remains behind the curve internationally in recognizing the full array of energy options necessary to meet emissions and climate goals.
Join our colleague Keith Malone and VerdeXchange on Thursday, November 12 at 10:00am PST for the first in a series of online events on Green Hydrogen, the energy resource that utility engineers, executives, and investment advisors identify as a “game-changer” for reliably powering, at scale, global clean energy economies. This special briefing led by utility leadership, global companies, energy innovators, and environmental stewards seeks to chart the pathway and connect the dots to accelerate Green Hydrogen’s consideration as a major part of California’s fuel mix of the future.
Click Here to Register Now
Each 120 minute webinar will explore the challenges, opportunities, and best uses for green hydrogen as a zero-emissions fuel technology and long-term renewable energy storage option and include 30-minutes of hosted, small-group discussion to engage and provide attendees additional contact points for post-conference collaboration.
Join Congressman Mike Levin, Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles Akira Muto, SoCal Gas President Maryam Brown, Ballard Power Systems' Tim Sasseen who kick off this first Virtual VX discussion of Green Hydrogen Energy in LA & Beyond!
Webinar #1 Green Hydrogen Energy in LA & Beyond: Mobility to Market
November 12, 2020 (10:00 am to 12:00 noon PT)
Welcome by Akira Muto, Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles
Panel Topics:
· Green H2 & California’s Future Fuel Mix
· Getting Green H2 to Market: Production & Distribution
· Best Uses for Green H2: Fuel Cells for Mobile & Stationary Applications
+ 30-minute hosted small-group Breakout Sessions