Thursday, November 12, 2020 - Thursday, November 12, 2020

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH FROM 10:00AM- 12:00PM PT. California has spent more than $300 million in the past 10 years funding rebates for hydrogen cars, constructing hydrogen refueling stations, empowering cities to purchase hydrogen-powered transit buses, as well as subsidizing development of hydrogen-driven freight trucks. However, without a formalized Hydrogen Strategy, California remains behind the curve internationally in recognizing the full array of energy options necessary to meet emissions and climate goals.

Join our colleague Keith Malone and VerdeXchange on Thursday, November 12 at 10:00am PST for the first in a series of online events on Green Hydrogen, the energy resource that utility engineers, executives, and investment advisors identify as a “game-changer” for reliably powering, at scale, global clean energy economies. This special briefing led by utility leadership, global companies, energy innovators, and environmental stewards seeks to chart the pathway and connect the dots to accelerate Green Hydrogen’s consideration as a major part of California’s fuel mix of the future.

Click Here to Register Now
Each 120 minute webinar will explore the challenges, opportunities, and best uses for green hydrogen as a zero-emissions fuel technology and long-term renewable energy storage option and include 30-minutes of hosted, small-group discussion to engage and provide attendees additional contact points for post-conference collaboration.
Join Congressman Mike Levin, Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles Akira Muto, SoCal Gas President Maryam Brown, Ballard Power Systems' Tim Sasseen who kick off this first Virtual VX discussion of Green Hydrogen Energy in LA & Beyond!

Webinar #1 Green Hydrogen Energy in LA & Beyond: Mobility to Market
November 12, 2020 (10:00 am to 12:00 noon PT)
Welcome by Akira Muto, Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles
Panel Topics:
·      Green H2 & California’s Future Fuel Mix
·      Getting Green H2 to Market: Production & Distribution
·      Best Uses for Green H2: Fuel Cells for Mobile & Stationary Applications
      + 30-minute hosted small-group Breakout Sessions

Thursday, November 12, 2020 - Thursday, November 12, 2020

THE STORY - Is the answer to climate change the oldest and most abundant element on earth? Hydrogen. What is it and could it be the missing piece to the climate change puzzle? We take a journey around the world to find out.

(Live on 12 November)

The quest starts in Fukushima, Japan. A city still known for a nuclear disaster in 2011 is at the forefront of Japan’s transition to a cleaner energy future. Why has hydrogen taken off in the land of the rising sun and what could the rest of the world learn?

(Live on 20 November)

Transportation causes 15 percent of greenhouse gas emissions globally. What if we could radically reduce that number by putting hydrogen fuel cells in buses, boats and even race cars?

(Live on 27 November)

The 20 warmest years on record happened in the last 22 years. How can we reduce carbon emissions, not just in transportation, but everywhere? We travel to the Orkney Islands, a set of remote islands off the coast of Scotland that have big plans to embrace a hydrogen future today.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020 - Wednesday, November 4, 2020

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 FROM 11:00AM - 12:00PM PDT. Attendees will receive a Professional Development Seminar Certificate of Completion Issued by Nel Hydrogen. Users of hydrogen and hydrogen-containing gas blends often struggle with supply options. Hydrogen storage may create extreme compliance problems due to its flammability and high energy content. Hydrogen generation provides an approach to side-step hydrogen storage issues. Installing a hydrogen generator is straightforward, but not necessarily familiar. This webinar will streamline the process.

Five Takeaways from this webinar:

  • Why is delivered/stored hydrogen supply sometimes a problem?
  • What options are available if delivered/stored hydrogen supply creates a problem?
  • What’s involved in on-site hydrogen generation?
  • How do I determine if onsite hydrogen generation is beneficial for my operation?
  • How do I obtain/install/operate an onsite hydrogen generator?



Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - Wednesday, November 18, 2020

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 - WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 FROM 8:30AM - 2:00PM PST. The Green Hydrogen Coalition, in collaboration with the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) and the Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB), is proud to present its 2nd Annual convening, bringing together policymakers, hydrogen offtakers, industry leaders, utilities, investors, developers, and NGO’s to accelerate progress for green hydrogen market and infrastructure development in the Western United States and beyond. This history-making two day online event will include a very special announcement, inspiring keynotes, breakout group and 1:1 virtual networking opportunities, roundtable discussions, informative presentations, and more.


Green hydrogen visions west conference - November 17-18, 2020


  • Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles
  • Daniel Simmons, Assistant Secretary of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, US Department of Energy
  • Martin Adams, General Manager and Chief Engineer, LADWP
  • Sunita Satyapal, Director, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, US Department of Energy
  • John Litynski, Deputy Director Advanced Fossil Technology Systems, US Department of Energy
  • Nancy Skinner, State Senator, California
  • Melissa Ballard, Representative, Utah House of Representatives
  • Jigar Shah, Founder, Generate Capital
  • Sanjay Shrestha, Chief Strategy Officer, Plug Power
  • Andrew McAllister, PhD, Commissioner, California Energy Commission
  • Clifford Rechtschaffen, Commissioner, California Public Utilities Commission
  • Monique Fridell, Loan Program Office, US Department of Energy
  • Liz Crosson, Director of Infrastructure, Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles
  • Ulrick Stridbaek, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, Orsted
  • Ruben Van Grinsven, Business Opportunity Manager, Integrated Hydrogen Projects, Shell
  • John Chatburn, Director, Idaho Office of Energy and Minerals
  • David Bobzian, Director, Nevada Governor’s Office of Energy
  • Andrew Hegewald, Gas Business Development Manager, Dominion Energy
  • Rob Simmons, Energy Advisor and Executive Director, Utah Governor’s Office of Energy Development
  • Jack Hedge, Executive Director, Utah Inland Port Authority
  • Rob Morgan, Advisor, Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners
  • Will Toor, Executive Director, Colorado Energy Office
  • Dan Lloyd, Bureau Chief, Montana Energy Office
  • Tyson Eckerle, Deputy Director of ZEV Infrastructure, GO-Biz, California
  • David Terry, Executive Director, National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO)
  • Kirsten Verclas, Electricity Senior Program Director, NASEO
  • Maury Galbraith, Executive Director, Western Interstate Energy Board
  • Laura Nelson, PhD, Executive Director Green Hydrogen Coalition
  • Janice Lin, President and Founder, Green Hydrogen Coalition
  • Thierry Lepercq, GHC Board Member & Founder, Soladvent


Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - Tuesday, November 3, 2020

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2020 at 1:00am PDT. Join Audrey Ma, the VP Marketing and Business Development of Re-Fire Technology, share the insights into the actual Chinese Hydrogen policy and into the plans of Re-Fire. The Chinese Ministry of Finance led the five Chinese Ministries and Commissions to issue a support program “China National Subsidy Policy going forward” for the development of FCEVs application on September 21, 2020.Great efforts from across the industry are required to accelerate toward the Hydrogen Economy, here is how REFIRE plays a part to contribute to the common goal.

Speaker: Audrey Ma; VP Marketing BD, Re-Fire Technology


Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - Tuesday, October 20, 2020

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 FROM 11:00AM- 12:00PM PDT. The CHBC invites you to an October 20 webinar at 11:00 AM PT on meeting the goals of the landmark SB 100 bill, and presenting the findings from a recent Cal-Tech study on long-duration storage. In addition, NREL will discuss long-duration energy storage for very high renewable share power systems and UCI will discuss the results of their storage modeling of the RESOLVE Model used by California agencies, and how hydrogen fits in that planning.


Long duration energy storage is a key component to unlocking a 100% reliable and affordable renewable electricity, while providing further cost reductions to solar and wind generation systems. Hydrogen storage and battery storage working together create the most cost effective, reliable solution. It’s not hydrogen or batteries, but rather a portfolio of renewable solutions that can better advance our climate goals. Long duration storage technologies will play a critical role in balancing energy supply and demand on a seasonal scale, absorbing oversupply of renewable energy during shoulder demand periods for its use in peak demand periods. Reliable systems that plan for more years increasingly depend on long-duration storage. Variable renewable electricity costs are more sensitive to reductions in long-duration storage costs than they are to reductions in battery costs.


Thursday, October 15, 2020 - Thursday, October 15, 2020

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 FROM 10:00AM- 11:00AM PDT. Hydrogen has emerged as an attractive solution to the decarbonization challenge across the West. As a versatile energy resource with characteristics similar to natural gas, hydrogen has the potential to support decarbonization across a range of end uses, particularly as long-duration energy storage in the electricity sector. To achieve ambitious near-complete economy and electricity sector decarbonization targets, hydrogen must build on existing momentum and continue to realize anticipated cost reductions. At this webinar we will hear about Western considerations for green hydrogen and two important studies examining the role green hydrogen can play to support seasonal energy storage and other multi-sector applications in the West.

Featured speakers:
Maury Galbraith
Executive Director | Western Interstate Energy Board
Alex Morris
Executive Director | California Energy Storage Alliance
Michael Ducker
Vice President, Renewable Fuels | Mitsubishi Power
Dr. Laura Nelson
Executive Director | Green Hydrogen Coalition


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - Wednesday, October 28, 2020

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 AT 10:00 a.m. PDT . Recent events in California demonstrate the fragility of a centralized electrical grid ill-prepared for the electrical demands of a greenhouse gas ravaged climate. Old paradigms of energy management must be discarded and reimagined, with low-and-no emission technologies that harness these low carbon fuels being central to rethinking the grid. In this webinar, we will showcase fuel cells and microgrids, and hear from the pioneers who can help usher in a carbon neutral electrical system that make rolling black outs, power safety shut offs and dirty diesel generators a relic of the past.

Join us for a 75-minute Renewable Gas 360 webinar to:

• Learn how renewable gas powered fuel cells can help foster a more resilient and reliable electric grid

• Hear how microgrid developers are harnessing fuels cells to provide stable, low carbon power to their customers

• Gain insight into the policies that local and state governments can implement to accelerate the proliferation of climate friendly microgrids powered by virtually zero emission fuel cells


Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - Wednesday, October 7, 2020

10:15am–12:30pm PT | Open to public
Please register at this link:
Once you are registered, you will receive an email with the log-in information.
Note: In order to attend this meeting, you must be registered.


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CaFCP Program Highlights
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